We did another 4 hour swim, and got all the way from the Golden Gate to Candlestick Point. Willhelm (our trusty feeder) and Joel (the nicest man in the world and star pilot) suffered heavy rain for most of the swim after the Bay Bridge. Rain is one of those things that makes you happy you are swimming, since it's hard to get a lot wetter than you are already, and staring at those huddled under umbrellas with rain dripping off the peak of their caps makes one feel comparatively well off.
I was feeling good until about 3.15 in, when my back started niggling a bit, and some tiredness set in. Adding some protein drink into the sugar-fest of gatorade and gu seemed to help, and the variety was good. The value of a well-placed banana somewhere in the every-30-minute feeding cycle, cannot be underestimated..
Michelle was her usual indestrutcible self, and wasn't even cold on the long boat-ride back to the club, in the rain.
We set a fairly consistent speed on a building flood, from roughly slack when we got in - 30minutes to the Palace of Fine Arts, 1 hour to the club, 1.5 to Pier something before the Ferry Building, 2 to beyond the Bay Bridge, 2.5 to the twin navy transport ships (Cape of something), 3 to the smokestack, 3.5 to Hunter's Point, 4 to Candlestick Point. The tide started pushing us back a bit at the end on the beginning of the ebb.
Thanks Willhelm and Joel.